
Investment in Pre-IPO | Unlisted Equities/ Shares are subject to risk. This communication/ report / note / one-pager is general and educational in nature. Alpha Fintech Pvt. Ltd under the brand name ‘InCred Money’ and its representatives are not SEBI-registered research analysts or advisors. Any research, analysis, or information presented on this platform does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation by InCred Money or its affiliates.

It is neither an advertisement nor a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any financial instruments or to engage in any specific trading strategy. Nothing in this document represents that any investment strategy or recommendation is suitable for an investor’s individual circumstances or otherwise constitutes personal advice.

Prospective Investor confirms that no offers or invitations, solicitations of any offer, advice, representations, warranties, or recommendations (verbal or written) have been given or made to investor by the InCred in respect of the purchase instruction / transaction.

None of InCred Money or its representatives is responsible for providing investment advice in a fiduciary capacity or otherwise. Recipients are solely liable for any liabilities incurred and will indemnify InCred Money, its group companies, employees, or business partners for any liabilities it may incur in this respect. Investments involve risks, and investors should exercise prudence and their own judgement in making investment decisions.

None of InCred Money, its representatives, partners, or business associates suggests that the recipient or any other person take any specific action. By receiving this document, the recipient acknowledges and agrees with its intended purpose and further disclaims any expectation or belief that the information constitutes investment advice or otherwise meets the recipient's investment objectives.

Investors are strongly encouraged to perform their own thorough research and due diligence before making any investment decisions. Unlisted equities carry a higher risk profile compared to listed securities, including but not limited to liquidity risk, regulatory risk, and market volatility. Potential investors should be aware of these risks and consider them carefully. Prospective investors understand that the investment in unlisted shares is only suitable for those who are aware of, understand the risks involved in and all the specificities and are able to withstand the related risk and possible loss of their entire committed capital and investor accepts the same.

Prospective Investor is placing instructions to invest in above mentioned unlisted share on his/her/its own independent and free will after due consideration of his/her/its risk appetite, investment needs and financial situation without being influenced by any advice or solicitation by InCred Money or any of its group companies or officials.

After selling unlisted shares to the investor, InCred Money shall not be liable for fluctuation in price or demand of these shares.

The value of any investment or income can decrease as well as increase, and investors may not get back the full (or any) amount invested. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Neither InCred Money nor any of its directors, employees, partners, group companies, business associates, or agents accept any liability for any loss (including principal loss) or damage arising from the use of all or any of the information provided.

Before making any investment or financial decisions, recipients of this document should take steps to understand the risks and returns of the investment and seek personalized advice from their financial, legal, tax, and other professional advisors, considering all their specific circumstances.

Any prices stated in this document are for information purposes only and do not represent valuations for individual securities or other financial instruments. We do not assure principal protection or any guaranteed returns, and future performance is subject to market conditions. There is no representation that any transaction can or could have been effected at those prices, and any prices do not necessarily reflect our internal books and records or theoretical model-based valuations and may be based on certain assumptions. Different assumptions by us or any other source may yield different results. No representation or warranty, either expressed or implied, is provided regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information contained in any materials to which this document relates.

There is no assurance of exit and listing date, and no clarity on whether the IPO will occur. Unlisted shares are subject to a lock-in period of six months from the date of listing. The information provided is not intended to be a complete statement or summary of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in the document.

We may have used primary or secondary data on the product or any company’s information, and there is no assurance that this data is correct.

We shall not be liable for any losses that recipients may suffer due to any investment or disinvestment decision based on the communication or information or recommendations/ updates received from us on any product. InCred Money does not undertake to update or keep the information current.

Prospective Investor understands that InCred Money has not undertaken and is not under any obligation to undertake any due diligence to assess and advise on the risks or suitability of Unlisted shares being invested in by the Investor.

Any opinions expressed in this document may change without prior notice. Under no circumstances may this document or any of the information (including any forecast, value, index, or another calculated amount ("Values")) be used for any of the following purposes: (i) valuation or accounting purposes; (ii) to determine amounts due or payable, the price, or the value of any financial instrument, financial contract, tangible or intangible assets; or (iii) to measure the performance of any financial instrument, including, without limitation, for the purpose of tracking the return or performance of any value or defining the asset allocation of a portfolio or computing performance fees.